Ascii-Magazines with problems - -÷-----------------------------÷- - The upcoming Ascii-Magazines that in the latest issue were revieled will perhaps not appear as soon as it first looked. The secret project is still not really started, though it not is so very secret anymore (collections could reveal more than you think). But the norweigan Guide-magazine which was told to come this spring is hopefully on it's way. The other projects, including the ST-ascii-part where I was supposed to work as editor, hasn't given any signs of life either. The ArtMag isn't available either, though Satans Fire promised that 'it wouldn't be any more delayed double-productions, it would be relased every single month'. If someone could contact sF! and ask what's going on, don't hesitate. Where is he anyway? So as it seems now there won't be anything at all to replace the Ascii-Gazette after this issue. So I really hope that atleast one of these projects will be more active in the future, because with so many great artists and collections can't we just be without a decent Ascii-Magazine.